Thursday, June 9, 2005


Well, I just got back from the bank in town and I am the proud owner of Captains McCain's home. Lot, stock and barrel. All contents included. I am kind of tired to start cleaning up and I have hired a crew to come in and help me. There is this small outfit that the bank manager told me about that will come in and help me clean up the place. It had a rather cute name. It is called Hannahs' Maids. On their insignia are small smiling angels. Well, I need those angels, for this big house.  I stopped and they will come tomorrow to help me unpack my things and clean so that I will be able to stay there tomorrow night. I hope if there is a ghost he doesn't scare away my help. Gosh, it is so lovely here, I am going to walk down to the cove. The path is paved so I won't have any problems with these high heels. Dressing up is such a nuisance, high heels and all. I am glad that I am a writer and can do my job at home where I can be myself. Much rather be in my sweats then these play clothes.  Oh!! How lovely! Look at that shore and the white lighthouse. There is even a chair here. I wonder if it was the captains or someone else that he scared away. Ah!! I think I will just stoop down on the ground and rest right here. I love to watch the water coming in to the land. The waves gently kissing the sand and once in awhile leaving a tiny shell here and there. The seagulls singing their songs as they pass overhead. I could sit here for hours just enjoying the scene, but I have to get back to town and start packing my van so that tomorrow I can come back and move in to my very first home.  Wow!! My very first home. That sounds so wonderful. I can't wait. As of tomorrow I will have this place all to myself.

(hummm, who is that down by the cove? Why it is that pesty woman that was here yesterday. Didn't the realtor tell her that a nasty old sea captain lives here? I hope the people in the town told her about all that went on down here. Maybe she is just snooping around in my cove looking for seashells. I hope so, I don't want anyone in my home. This is my santuary. I'll not be putting up with frilly curtains and dollies all around my furniture. Ahhh!! she is getting up and going away.  Good!! Must have scared off another one.)

Well, I really hate to leave. But it is getting late and I have so much to do.Now , let me think, where did I put that list. Gosh! I can't do anything without my list. There it is on the dashboard.  Good.  Goodnight  MY HOME!! How good that sounds! Be back tomorrow for good. You are all mine now.  All mine!!!!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Loved bet i did..i'll be back for more!and by the way..a great write!