Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Missing You

Ahh!! I miss that lass. It has only been 10 days but each day seems like a lifetime to me. I will not see her for another 4 days at least. This is important to her work and I know that, but I cannot let go of the way I feel now. I didna think I would miss her so much. I felt that I would be back in control of my home and enjoy the quiet and peace without her threading through the house and in her office for hours on end, but now I realize that these are some of the things I have become used to hearing every day and now I miss her and the sound of life in this big place. Look, even the sun does not shine as if it knows she is gone and is sad for her not being here too. I stand at this veranda and look out so many times during the day hoping to see that she is coming back sooner than she said, but alas, I am standing alone. Watching the sheep down in the valley and the moutains off in the east. 

I wander from room to room not knowing what to do with myself. She has come into my very being and there is only thoughts of her to sustain me for these next few days. I donna know how I will do this lass, I donna know why I sent you away when I knew all I had to do was say   stay    stay   and let them come to you.  But I couldna do that to you. For I am starting to feel you so deepy in my heart. I hurt in my chest, when I should not feel anything there. I hurt in my dreams and canna rest for you are always there. Smiling at me and the wind rustling your hair and softly walking on the grass in the valley. There is no peace for me until you return and I can see you again,.

Ahh! Lass, hurry back to me and this home. Do not let them talk you into staying longer for I dread being alone now. You have become my salvation. More than that. You have become more than I thought possible to me. Is this real?  This overwhelming longing for you? Can I be capable of all these many feelings I feel?  I donna know. All I know is I miss you. Hurry back. Hurry back. If you can hear me lass, hurry back.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How sad for the Captain . Missing someone is so terrible and he is lonely too. Great write and cant wait for more.
