Carrie never stopped jabbering as she sat down in the chair opposite my desk. I decided that it would be a good day to take her from the house and give the poor Captain a break from her constant annoying voice, as he put it.
Telling her we were going into town for some necessary supplies seemed to brighten her up more and I quickly sent her to her room to get a sweater and what ever else she wanted to bring with her to town. I went and got my purse and car keys and when she came downstairs hustled her out of the door.
The day was glorious and the cove was filled with boats coming and going in and out of port. Carrie sat in amazement as she looked all around and for once seemed tongue tied. I knew how beautiful this cove was, but I could see that she was beginning to understand how I could leave NYC and live here in this quaint setting.
All the towns people waved and said hello as we wandered from store to store and Carrie seemed generally happy looking over all the home made jellies and jams, and other crafts that the local people contributed to the area. I saw that she had quite alot of things in her hands as she went to check out and I was pleased that I had thought of taking her here today. Not only did the Captain need the reprieve, but I needed to get supplies and a chance to unwind from the hectic three weeks in the city.
On our way back to the house I swung by the cove and let Carrie see all the boats and the beautiful beach. I told her that there were steps to the beach from my home and that maybe she would enjoy going and relaxing there sometime. She seemed to just glow as the wind whipped her long hair around as I sped home. I looked at her and she brought back memories of me in my youth. Full of enthusium and hope. She really was a sweet girl, just over zealous at times.
Upon arriving, I noticed the curtains in my office flutter and had to smile. I knew it was the Captain and that he would be making a hasty retreat into his den so that he didn't have to hear or see Carrie. I had to smile, and even laughed. Carrie looked at me and asked what I was laughing at, and I just shook my head and said I was so glad to be home.
She helped me put all the groceries away talking the entire time. About the town and the cove and how beautiful everything was. I just smiled and continued with what I was doing and when we were done, told her that she should go and enjoy the beach on such a great day because I would be writing most of the time and there would be nothing for her to read or do while I was at work.
How excited she was as she ran to her room to change. As she was leaving she popped her head into my office and said bye and ran out the door. I turned around and watched her as she ran down the steps and disappeared from view.
When I turned back to my computer, there was the Captain scowling at me as he sat in the chair. I had to bite my tongue and hold my lips in tightly to stop myself from laughing. He looked ferocious and ready to blow. I sat there quietly and waited to see what would happen. I had learned awhile ago never to speak when I saw him in this state. He would tell me in his time what was on him mind.
He suddenly jumped up, started pacing across the floor and as he paced he muttered to himself in that language that I did not understand. I had all I could do not to burst out laughing. I have never seen him so aggitated. He turned quickly and stopped in his tracks and looked at me as to dare me to laugh at him. Putting his hands on his hips he glared and finally started to speak.
"Well, thank ye for taking that wee bit of a girl out of my hair for awhile. I dinnae know how much longer I would be able to stand her constant chattering. That wee lass never comes up for air and I never saw anyone that talked to herself in her own room. How long will she be here again? I have been cramped up in that den to avoid her but she is so noisey that her voice carries throughout the whole house."
I sat there quietly trying not to smirk or laugh. Carrie brought back memories of me when I was young and how badly I wanted to write and be someone. I felt sorry for the Captain. Except for me there was no one that came to the house and it was always quiet and peaceful. Well, he would have to get used to seeing her for the two weeks she would be my guest and as he was rambling on and on about what a nuisance it was to have her here, I sat back and thought that I would rather enjoy her for the time she was here. I had forgotten how it was to be young and full of life. Yes, Carrie and I would be ok and the Captain, well , he would have to make the best of the situation.
The Captain stopped talking when he realized that I was not listening to him, but lost in my own thoughts. I hastily cleared my throat and sat up straight and started to type on my computer. With one eye on him as he threw up his hands in the air and stomped out of my office, slaming the door. I smiled as I started to do my re-writes and thought that this would be a very good experience for him. Yes, he needed to learn patience and Carrie would test him, that was for sure.
More! More!!! Makes me want to move to Maine. I love your writing.
I agree, good to see you posting your writing again.
Thanks Linda and Kathy I will be adding more often now. I have missed my journals.
Thanks for the update. I love this story! This could be a great Novel girl!
Think about having it published. I love to read and this keeps your attention.
Thank you Karen, I have been contacted by someone and asked if I would like to publish this as a novel. They assumed that it was done, but I am still working on it. Wouldn't that be something!!!! Thanks for your encouragement, it makes me want to write more.
Always the best to all my friends,
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