Tuesday, June 14, 2005

My Day at McCains Mansion

There are so many things in this office  I have set up to look at and enjoy. The captain  had all his nautical instruments on these shelves. His sextant to check his naviagation by the stars. His charts of the oceans and the seas. How wonderfully they have all been preserved. These are all priceless objects that I will treasure. I so love the sea and I have written many articles and books on vogages taken by all the captains that I have been able to find material in my researches on.  This is like finding a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow for me.  I will open this sideboard and exam each and everyone of these jewels. (suddenly , papers start flying off the desk and the computer is turned on )

What the heck!! what is going on here!! Geez!! did I forget to close the veranda doors. NO they are closed. Well, well, this must be a visit from the ghost that lives in this house, MY house now.

"Ok! Don't get your dander up. I am not going to break any of your things here. I just want to look at them and I will put them back.  I don't intend to damage any thing that was yours and I promise that nothing that is in this house will leave this house." " Now, can we come to some sort of agreement on what I can do and not do, after all it is my house now."

(the curtains start bellowing out and she can hear a laugh coming from the area of the captains desk. And right before her very eyes she see the Captain himself, standing there by his desk and looking at her with laughter in his eyes and a smile on his face)  He speaks to her."Well, lass, I see that I have met my match at last. You are not afarid of me at all are you?" Those others were wimps and ran at the least thing I did, but I can see that you are here for good ." It might be good to have someone to talk to from time to time . It has been along time since I have been able to do that with anyone. " "I will give you a chance then, and see what you are about lass, and if you keep your word about all that you have said then maybe all will be alright."

I stood there in shock and just looked at this hugh handsome man, all decked out in a suit from his time. waist coat and all. He has a well trimmed beard and long black hair to his shoulders that he keeps tied back with a leather strap. How wonderfully strong he looks and so wise. I hope that he will have long talks with me and tell me all about his travels and adventures so that I can write them all down for the world to read. How great that would be.

I settle down to work at my computer and he just wanders around watching and I am so absorbed in my work that i don't notice when he leaves, or that night has fallen. I only notice when it seems so dark and I see the light from the lighthouse as it circles around and around. I get up and go out on the veranda and look to the north. How beautiful that lighthouse is in the night. Take a look at it here. I have put its picture on this site for you to see it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love your ghost..He sounds cute..handsome..great company for her..