As Tracy walked down the steps she noticed a picture of a beautiful sailing vessel mounted on the wall. There were many pictures that she knew came with the house when her sister bought it. what a treasure this house was and if she was right, it was haunted by a ghost. Probably that handsome one that she saw in a picture in the den.
As she walked down the hall she could hear Angelique and Janet laughing in the kitchen so she went to join them. they were having some coffee and cookies.
"Hey, got some coffee for me too?" she asked.
"Sure mom, come and sit down, Aunt Janet is telling me some of the things that happened to her on her recent book signing tour. It is unbelieveable what can happen when you spend weeks in hotels with strangers all around you."
Michelle smiled but her thoughts were not on hotels and strangers in them. She really wanted to talk about the "touch" she felt when she was upstairs . "Janet", she said, When I was upstairs I saw these great big beautiful doors and had to look into that room. I noticed on the desk in there that it had papers and a quill pen and ink bottle setting on the desk. I didn't know that you used these old fashioned writing tools when you have a perfectly good computer in your office." "As I was looking at the papers I felt a "touch" on my arm and I could swear that I also felt a kiss on my forehead too." People keep telling me that I have a wild imagination, but it was real, I am sure of it,"
"Then the strangest thing of all happened,. I heard a laugh. A big belly laugh. I was looking at the picture of the Captain that hangs over the fireplace and said outloud that I would not mind his shoes under my bed, when I heard the laugh. It startled me and I started to leave the room when I felt a slight kiss on my forehead." "What is going on here?" "Is there really a ghost of a Captain living in this house with you and if there is I want to know all about him,"
Janet had been afraid that Michelle would find out about the Captain. Hadn't she told him to keep a low profile and not let her see or "feel" his presence. She must have caught him off guard when he was writing in his den and he disappeared without enough time to put his writing away and he just had to have some fun with her sister, even after she warned him that she was sensitive and might feel his presence in the room.
"Well," maybe it was the draft from the fireplace that you felt . I mean the touch you talk about and a kiss. You didn't see anyone there, so how could you have been touched and kissed? With the most innocent look she could muster up, Janet looked at her sister and niece waiting for an answer.
Her sister just smiled and shook her head. "You aren't going to share anything that happened here are you?" "Well, I still believe what I felt and maybe one day you will admit it that there are some strange things happening in this glorious mansion. Maybe the next time we come to visit, huh?"
Janet was releaved and inwardly sighed but volunteered nothing. She didn't want to get into a long story about the Captain and the mansion. thanks goodness they were leaving in the morning for home. Michelle had to get back to work and Angelique had school.
It was nice having family visiting but she missed her daily talks and walks with the Captain. How fast he had become a big part of her life in such a short time. Sometimes you don't realize how much you miss something untill you are unable to have it for awhile.
This was their last night in Maine and Janet was going to take them out for a nice lobster dinner and spend a lovely night with both of them. Early in the morning they would leave and she could get back to her work and to her Captain.